Powerball Numbers for March 5, 1997

Powerball draw results are displayed below for the draw that took place on Wednesday March 5 1997 at 10.59 p.m. EST. The main numbers are published alongside the Powerball and Power Play numbers along with the total number of winners in each prize category. If you think you have won a prize, including the Jackpot, then use our Number Checker to find out how many balls you matched and what prize to expect.

Powerball Prize Payouts for March 5, 1997
Numbers Matched Payout Per Winner Total Winners Prize Fund Amount
5 + Powerball $17,000,000 0 - Rollover! $0
5 - - -
4 + Powerball - - -
4 - - -
3 + Powerball - - -
3 - - -
2 + Powerball - - -
1 + Powerball - - -
0 + Powerball - - -
Payouts with Power Play
5 xPP - - -
4 + Powerball xPP - - -
4 xPP - - -
3 + Powerball xPP - - -
3 xPP - - -
2 + Powerball xPP - - -
1 + Powerball xPP - - -
0 + Powerball xPP - - -
Totals - - -